If you struggle with stuttering and want to avoid or reduce stuttering on a daily basis, here are a few tips to help you out.


1. Focus on Breathing


Taking the time to consciously think about your breathing will help reduce stress, as well as increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your body. Anxiety is an emotional response that can hinder the ability to speak without stuttering. Taking a deep breath before a word in which you tend to stutter can be helpful.  



2. Speak with a Rhythm


People that tend to stutter report that when they sing, it suddenly disappears. It can be useful for everyday conversations. Rehearsing what you are going to say ahead of time can improve fluency in speech greatly.

Whoever feels nervous when speaking should practice speaking with a rhythm. Visualizing your words before pronouncing them can help you feel more prepared and confident when communicating.



3. Slow Down


It is easy to get tongue-tied when speaking quickly. Focusing on maintaining a slow rate of speech can help reduce stuttering. Continue to take deep breaths while talking and it will help reduce anxiety.


What can we do to help?

These tips can help improve your stuttering, but it is not a permanent solution. If you still continue to struggle with stuttering, our experts here at SpeechEasy can help improve your speech through therapy and a special hearing device. SpeechEasy alters the sounds that go through the device so that you can hear your voice at a slight time delay and at a different pitch. The purpose of the delay and pitch change is to recreate a natural phenomenon known as the “choral effect.” The choral effect occurs when you stutter is dramatically reduced or even eliminated when you speak or sing in unison with others. This choral effect has been well documented for decades and SpeechEasy utilizes it in a small, wearable device that can be used in everyday life. Call our experts today for a consultation at (252)-551-9042.


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