Stuttering affects people of all ages and of all walks of life. People who stutter often think they’re alone and become embarrassed by their speech impediments. However, the truth is that they are not alone and that many people are affected by stuttering. Even people that we look up to and see on television have had issues in the past or even currently have difficulty with stuttering. We have compiled a list of famous celebrities who stutter. We hope that these individuals inspire you to know you are not alone in the struggle and can overcome this speech adversity.

1. King George VI

King George VI was a symbol of courage and fortitude for the British people. When he was a Prince, George served in the military and was later crowned king before the outbreak of World War II. He struggled to overcome the severe stammer that had stayed with him since childhood. Even through this adversity, King George VI was able to deliver an inspiring live radio address on September 3, 1939, as Britain entered World War II. He visited his armies on several battle fronts and remained in the UK during the Battle of Britain. His courage and determination inspired the people of Britain.

2. Bruce Willis

The badass actor Bruce Willis, was a stutterer for many years. He overcame his stuttering through acting. He struggled with stuttering for many years until he arrived to college where he was able to work with the speech therapy department and was able to lose a great deal of his stuttering. His advice to the young people who have trouble stuttering is, “to never let anyone make you feel like an outcast, because you will never be an outcast.” Bruce Willis is now a champion for the American Institute for Stuttering and is sharing their message to the world.

3. Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson, another highly successful actor struggled with stuttering as a child. People would ridicule him and laugh at him. He wouldn’t speak for about a year in his class and dealt with the ridicule by excelling at school. He was able to overcome his stuttering through reading about breathing exercises. Also, through acting, he was able to act like a person who didn’t stutter. Similar to Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson is also a strong advocate of the American Institute for Stuttering. Spreading their message of empowerment to the younger generation of stutterers. 

4. James Earl Jones

As a child, Jones struggled with articulating his words and had a stammer that lasted until he was in high school. In high school, a teacher made him recite poetry in front of the class. After coming back from serving in the army, Jones decided he wanted to pursue acting in New York. James Earl Jones went on to become one of the most well known voices in the world. Starring as Darth Vader in Star Wars (still iconic to this day), and Simba’s father in Disney’s Lion King. He continues to act till this day and is an inspiration to those who stutter and want to pursue an acting career.


Stuttering is a speech impediment that affects people from all walks of life, no matter how old or young you are. Various celebrities have struggled with stuttering and still do to this day. For those who stutter, it is important to listen to the advice of Bruce Willis, “to never let anyone make you feel like an outcast, because you will never be an outcast.”

If you’re experiencing issues with stuttering, don’t get discouraged! There are multiple apps and devices that can be customized to fit your needs. At SpeechEasy our trained speech pathologists can help you find the best device to help you gain control of your speech! Contact us today to get started!


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