As we grow up, we add more and more words to our vocabulary. Through school and social interactions, we learn how to speak and talk to others in conversations. We also have some habits or tics when learning verbal communication, like stuttering, mispronouncing words, and tripping over our own tongues. This can cause miscommunication and, if not corrected, can also show up in conversations later in life.

It is important to focus on articulation, the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech. This means pronouncing words and including punctuation correctly. It can be tricky, but here are some tips that can help you articulate your words better.

Avoid Filler Words

It can be easy to include words like, “um,” or, “like,” in your vocabulary. It can allow your brain to take a moment to stop and think about what it’s trying to say. You can avoid this by saying things like, “Another good point to that is…,” and then adding your next point. Filler words can encourage stuttering, which can also be helped with speech aid devices from SpeechEasy.

Watch and Listen to Professional Speakers

Just like athletes watch film to get better, watching and listening to good speakers can help with your own speech. You can even record yourself speaking to take note of what you should avoid doing or do more of. Even if it sounds weird, it can really make your articulation better. Listening to professional speakers can also help if they’re similar to you and your speaking style. If you have a stutter or a lisp, or use one of SpeechEasy’s speech aid devices, you can listen to speakers with the same and see what they do to overcome these obstacles.

Listen to the Other Person, and Think About Your Response

If you actually take the time to listen to what other people are saying, you can form a better response, rather than fumbling over your words to come up with one. Actively listen, nod your head, make eye contact, and focus on what the other person is saying before responding.

Practice Tongue Twisters Often

Tongue twisters are usually a sentence or two long that are known to be tricky to say. Such as, “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” They can contain alliterations, or similar sounding words. Another widely-known one is, “She sells seashells by the sea shore.” Practicing these can help with articulation in everyday life.

SpeechEasy | Use Speech Aid Devices

SpeechEasy is a company that makes speech aid devices to help people communicate better and with more articulation. Using a method called the “choral effect,” users can communicate with others with minimal stuttering or without tripping over their words as much. The four different styles allow users to choose which one works best with their way of life. Visit our website to learn more or talk to one of our speech professionals!

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