A fluency disorder is when a person consistently has issues with speaking. Someone who struggles with stuttering exhibits this. Speech disorders can occur in various ways, depending on the individual. One who struggles with stuttering encounters interruptions in their verbal flow. This might result in speech pauses, lengthier sounds, repeated words, and an odd conversation cadence. SpeechEasy knows that stuttering can affect sociability, verbal communication, and mental health. Our mission is to supply you with specialists and technology to assist you in overcoming your stutter.

Diagnosing a Stutter

When seeking a diagnosis for speech difficulties, a healthcare provider would be an excellent resource to see. Talk to them about the indications and symptoms you are experiencing, and you can typically identify if it’s a fluency disorder. They can also look at your medical records to see any other health issues, family history, and the impact that fluency difficulties have caused you. A speech-language pathologist, a specialist in speech, language, and communication issues, may be consulted by your healthcare practitioner. They may distinguish a fluency deficit from other speech difficulties, such as articulation problems. Stuttering may be more common among those with auditory processing difficulties, ADHD, learning problems, autism, or Tourette syndrome.

How to Stop Stuttering

Knowing how to stop stuttering can be stressful, but it does not have to be. Speech therapy is a beneficial method for those struggling with fluency difficulties. However, symptoms might return even after therapy.  At SpeechEasy, we provide anti-stuttering devices to help people overcome their stuttering disorder for good. You can consult a certified pathologist to determine which device suits you the most.

The Solution for a Fluency Disorder | SpeechEasy

At SpeechEasy, we focus on a phenomenon called the choral effect. The choral effect happens when individuals who stutter talk in harmony with others, and their stutter is considerably reduced. Our devices are designed to increase your communication ability by simulating the choral effect. The choral effect can reduce your fluency disorder by changing pitch and slowing sound. We offer four devices designed to best fit your needs and work hard to support those struggling with fluency disorders. Visit our website to learn more about our technology, or contact us to speak to a specialist.

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