What is Stuttering?

Stuttering is a speech disorder where the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions and prolongations of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases. Involuntary repetitions, silent pauses or blocks in which the person who stutters cannot produce sounds. The condition can last from several weeks to years. Stuttering develops in about 5% of children between two and five years old. This is due to the development of language skills,

What are the types of stuttering?

 There are three main types of stuttering which are:


Stuttering occurs in young children when they are still learning and developing their speech/language skills. It is the most common form of stuttering. Scientists and clinicians believe that developmental stuttering occurs when children’s speech and language abilities are unable to meet the child’s verbal demands. Early treatment may prevent developmental stuttering from becoming a lifelong issue.


This form of stuttering may occur after a stroke, head stroke, or other type of brain injury. With neurogenic stuttering, the brain has difficulty coordinating the different brain regions involved with speech, resulting in difficulty speaking fluently. In the majority of these cases, the injury or disease associated with the issue of stuttering can be identified. In a few rare cases, the individual can show some form of speech disruption without any clear evidence of neurological damage.


Psychogenic stuttering is believed to originate in the area of the brain that directs thought and reasoning. This form of stuttering may occur in people with a mental illness. It can also occur to those who have experienced excessive mental stress or anguish.

Stuttering Therapy

All types of stuttering can become present from multiple reasons. Genetics and outside factors can all play a role in developing a stutter. Each kind of stuttering can be diagnosed by an SLP, and the right therapy can be administered to find a resolution. Speech therapy can not only help to resolve the speech disorder, but also improve the person’s self-esteem. Along with therapy, a anti-stuttering device from Speech Easy can help. To learn more about Speech Easy anti-stuttering devices, visit us online or call to schedule an appointment today.


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