If your child stutters, it can affect their confidence when speaking with others. You should think about getting help from a speech-language pathologist, or SLP, as early as possible. Attending to the problem early can help reduce the chances that your child will continue stuttering. You should contact an SLP if any of the following things happen:


Your child’s stuttering has lasted for 6-12 months or more.

Many children have disfluencies in their speech. However, if your child seems to stutter for more than 6 months, you should contact a specialist.


Your child starts to stutter late

Stuttering is more likely to last if your child starts stuttering after 3 ½ years old.


Your child starts to stutter more often

Keep track of your child’s stuttering and make note of how often he/she stutters. If stuttering stays the same or gets worse, it’s best to contact a specialist.


You child has another speech or language disorder

Does your child have problems following directions or answering questions? Do they have problems saying words clearly? There may be a chance their stuttering will last. A specialist can help test their speech and language skills.


There is a family history of stuttering

Does someone in your family also stutter? Your child may be at a higher risk of stuttering.

SpeechEasy is similar in appearance to a hearing aid. However, rather than amplifying sound, SpeechEasy alters sounds that go through the device so that you hear your voice at a slight time delay and at a different pitch. The purpose of the delay and pitch change is to recreate a natural phenomenon known as the “choral effect.” The choral effect occurs when your stutter is dramatically reduced or even eliminated when you speak or sing in unison with others. This choral effect has been well documented for decades and SpeechEasy utilizes it in a small, wearable device that can be used in everyday life.

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