It’s Back to School season! This is a time when emotions of all kinds are running rampant, in both parents and kids. For some, this isn’t their first rodeo. However, there are some kids that are starting at new schools which can increase anxiety. The uncertainty of new teachers, classes, and classroom settings can be daunting for growing minds. It can be even more terrifying for kids with speaking impairments. There are ways that you can help stuttering in children with fluency devices from SpeechEasy. We even offer payment plans to help offset some of the costs. For more tips on how to get ready for the school year, keep reading!

Start on the School Schedule Early

Getting your kids up early after a whole summer of sleeping in can be very difficult. If you start getting them up early a couple of days to a week before school starts, it will be easier for them to get up once school actually begins. It can also help to get them up earlier if they go to sleep earlier as well. Getting everything ready for the next day the night before can save time in the morning. Make sure everything is charged and ready to go before the next day!

Get Packed

One of the most stressful parts of the morning is figuring out where everything is. Food for lunches, the infamous “first day of school” outfit, a left shoe, breakfast for the morning, then trying to get everything together to take with you. If you get this together the night before, you’ll have more time to relax and enjoy the morning! School supplies and outfits can be picked out and placed in a known location a few days before. Lunches and breakfast foods can be picked out and even prepared the day before. You can also make sure that any fluency devices and calculators have batteries and are packed.

SpeechEasy | Fluency Devices

This year is going to be one like no other, but there are a few ways that you can make it easier and SpeechEasy wants to be a part of that. Our devices minimize the amount of stuttering through the use of the Choral Effect. This makes the sound coming out of the wearer’s mouth enter their ear at a slight delay. This can help reduce stuttering, which, in turn, increases the confidence and self-esteem of the wearer. You can try out one of our many amazing fluency devices today!

Spring savings: $750 off Comfort Fit and CIC devices!