Speech Fluency is a term used in Speech Pathology that describes sounds, syllables, words and phrases when joined together. There are various forms of fluency, whether referred to speaking another language, reading, or singing. Speech fluency adheres to an individual’s ability to speak smoothly and easily.

Fluency Disorders

Fluency disorders refer to a category of speech disorders which most commonly includes stuttering or stammering. Both of these disorders typically being in childhood, although cases in later school years or early adulthood are possible. In rare occasions, speech fluency may happen after a specific injury or disease to the central nervous system, or as a side-effect of certain medications.

Fluency & Children

In many cases, stuttering and stammering will occur when children are around 2-4 years of age. This age range is the time when children are growing their vocabulary and begin to put words together to form short sentences. It is common for children to stutter when beginning to speak in more complex form. The onset of stuttering may be gradual or sudden, it depends. Over time, the stuttering may change and begin to include prolongations and blocks. Keep track of your child’s stuttering and make note of how often he/she stutters. If stuttering stays the same or gets worse, it’s best to contact a specialist.


Treating Speech Fluency disorders depends on each client’s goals and preferences for their particular speech and communication. Early intervention is the best form of tackling stuttering, this helps prevent the development of a persistent fluency disorder. If early intervention is not an option, then there are various other treatments for adolescents, adults, and the elderly as well. A Speech Language pathologist will tailor a specific plan suited to your individual needs.

How Can SpeechEasy Help You?

If you still continue to struggle with stuttering, our experts here at SpeechEasy can help improve your speech through therapy and a special hearing device. SpeechEasy alters the sounds that go through the device so that you can hear your voice at a slight time delay and at a different pitch. The purpose of the delay and pitch change is to recreate a natural phenomenon known as the “choral effect.” The choral effect is when you stutter is dramatically reduced or even eliminated when you speak or sing in unison with others. This choral effect has been well documented for decades and SpeechEasy utilizes it in a small,

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