Stuttering affects people of all ages and backgrounds. For some of the more tech-savvy generation of stutterers, there’s good news! Applications on both the Google Play and Apple iTunes store are available for your use.

Below are a few examples, for more apps, you can search for “auditory feedback.” Using the apps for phone calls may or may not work, it just depends on the app.

Using Bluetooth headphones, you are able to use Frequency, Altered, or Delayed Auditory Feedback apps.

  • DAF Assistant – (Apple & Android) – DAF and FAF. Free demo for Android called ‘DAF Assistant Lite’
  • DAF (Apple & Android) – DAF and FAF. Free trial for Android called ‘DAF Professional Lite’
  • Speech4good – (Apple) – Aimed at speech and language therapists as well as people who stammer. DAF (but not FAF), with digital speech graph and ability to record session, type notes, and email recorded sessions.

Using these apps does not guarantee speech fluency, but is a good way of getting feedback through recording your own voice. In order to learn more about ways to combat your stuttering and finding a program that is supported by a team of fluency professionals to improve your speech fluency call SpeechEasy today. Contact us at (252)-551-9042 and one of our representatives can answer any questions or concerns you may have about stuttering. Visit our website here and remember, You are not alone.

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